The Simple Change System®
Change That Sticks
Why Is It So Hard To Make Change Stick?
What if you could achieve more than just superficial compliance?
What if you could inject a continuous improvement mindset throughout your organization?
What would happen to productivity, to morale, to your bottom line?
Experience Adoption 100% of the Time
Introducing the Simple Change System®, a powerful change methodology offered only by Propel Change Global.
The Simple Change System® gives you a roadmap to change that results in adoption 100% of the time.
The Simple Change System has helped companies in dozens of industries create sustainable change.
Learn Donna’s Secrets
The Simple Change System® boxes up all the tried-and-true methods Propel Change Global Founder Donna Griggs has learned in her 30-year management consulting career and delivers them to you in an elegant package that guarantees adoption in any situation.
You’ll learn all her secrets, including how to:
Engage leaders for active sponsorship.
Increase leadership skills and make sure they stick.
Identify the metrics for success.
Tailor the change to the existing culture.
Fix problems created by unintentional management, such as employee engagement.
Align processes in support of company goals.
Tap into the expertise from employees who do the work, the ones who know where the issues are and what will work within your company’s existing culture.
Implement learning mechanisms to make it easy for those affected to learn new methods.
Create communications that “hit the mark” and provide the right information to the right people at the right time.
Identify and remove barriers to success.
Create a change management training function.
Unearth potential issues in advance – and build mitigation plans.
Learn how to create feedback mechanisms and make adjustments where needed.
Teach employees “how to” so they can continue without a consultant.
The Simple Change System® gives you everything you need to make change happen, including samples and templates for each phase of the project.
How It Works
Experience the Simple Change System® in the way that makes the most sense for your organization. Enjoy a little support from Propel Change Global—or a lot.
This is a traditional consulting engagement where one or more members of the Propel Change Global team come to your location. Your employees will be engaged throughout the process to ensure the sustainability AND we will teach them our secrets so they can continue with additional projects. If you want a strategy partner during the process, Propel Change Global can fill that role, and we’re also equipped to manage the entire change project from start to finish.
In this custom-designed seminar (half-day, full-day, or two-day), Propel Change Global Founder Donna Griggs will focus on the specific areas needed to make sure your change projects start off headed in the right direction. Learn everything you need to make change work. For more impact, bundle the SCS® Seminar with onsite consulting, Lifeline Coaching®, and (coming soon) online learning.
Ready to dive in? This week-long intensive experience is for you. Walk in on Day 1 with a project and leave on Day 5 with a comprehensive plan for completion, including templates, samples, and communications. For maximum impact, bundle the SCS® Bootcamp with onsite consulting, Lifeline Coaching®, and (coming soon) online learning.
Kick off a project with a custom-designed keynote address by Propel Change Global Founder Donna Griggs. Learn the fundamentals and get a glimpse of how this methodology can work for your company.
Online Learning. Online modules extend the reach of learning to far-flung teams, divisions, and outposts. You’ll soon be able to bundle online learning with a seminar, bootcamp, or onsite consulting engagement to boost results.
Coming Soon